If your a keen on sports its safe to say your not going to be bored of things to watch, read or listen to over the next couple of months. This week we have seen the start of Wimbledon, soon to be followed by The Open and topped off by The Olympics. These are just 3 events from a long list throughout the summer period where we get to see some of the best athletes in the world perform against one another. Training regimes have been strict, dreams will be made and broken whilst patience pays off after a long 4 year wait for some athletes.
Sports training doesn’t just benefit the elite athletes, it dose to all sports performers from beginners to these top participants. Take tennis for example. If you spend time working on your speed, agility and endurance you’ll soon find yourself reaching that dropped shot over the net, changing direction to return a backhand and not loosing energy during the final and most important decider set. Sounds good right?
These skills plus many others relate to all movements and sports together. They’ll be lots of talk over the next couple of months of how the athletes we watch train and hopefully they can inspire lots of you to start sport specific training to take your game to the next level, what ever the sport.